If you are a dancer or have a dancer in your family and have a spare room then you needed to have read this article yesterday! What have you been doing??? Make that spare room into a much-needed home dance studio or exercise room today!
The following are loads of ideas with tonnes of inspiration for color schemes, barre and mirror placement, flooring and more. If you have a spare room the possibilities are endless, but hopefully, this gallery will help you par down what you like and what you do and don’t want in your home dance studio!
Don’t have a spare room, but have a basement or attic or even just some space in a bedroom or loungeroom? Then one of these other articles might be right for you or give you more inspirational ideas for your home dance studio!
All images used in this article have been sourced from other websites. If you would like more information about any project either click on the photo or the link under the photo where in some cases more photos of the project are available. If you are the owner of an image and feel I have misused your property in this article please use our contact form in the footer of our website and if ownership is verified photos I am happy to take down within 24-48 hours.
Home Dance Studio: Spare Room
This dance space painted black is absolutely stunning! I honestly never would have thought to paint what would be a home ballet or dance studio black but mixed with the pale wooden floors, white trim, and ceilings the effect is divine! I love the full wall mirror and don’t mind the barre on the sidewall, but if you have read any of these posts already you might start to see a pattern where I prefer the ballet barre opposite the mirror so that the dancer is able to repeat the exercises on the other side and be able to see themselves. This could have been achieved with a longer barre placed across the window but may not have looked as aesthetically pleasing in the room.
This ‘gender-neutral dance studio was designed and created by City Girl Gone Mom Danielle Lucia Schaffer. Now I already know about Danielle through her Instagram posts of her passionate and talented little boy Brody who is an absolutely amazing little dancer! And so when I saw her photos of the dance studio she created for her kids I had to make sure I included them here in this post. This room is stylish and modern and a great space for her young aspiring dancers to blossom!
This exercise and workout studio has not just been built within a spare room, but within it’s own building! Windows right around the building really give you that sense of being outdoors and the mirror across the wall reflects all the nature as well. This would be a beautiful space to dance in!
This photo is from The Ballet Barre Company. I really like the full ceiling to floor mirrors and the nice long sturdy barre which you could do a lot with. This room is obviously multipurpose with all the workout and exercise equipment in there as well as the seating. The only thing missing is some dance flooring.
Artist Debbie Cerone posted photos of a home dance studio she painted murals for in a spare room that adjoined a bedroom. It’s a great small space that has been beautifully personalized.
This large room has fantastic high ceilings and I think it was a great choice to install mirrors that went all the way to them! Fans are a great idea in home dance spaces as well as they help to circulate the air which can get stuffy after a session of exercise.
This is another purposely built spare building rather than a room that is a multipurpose space for everything – playing sports, working out, gymnastics, dance, and more. I like that they have tried to get as much use out of it as possible and it helps to inspire and give ideas as to the possibilities of a spare space.
This large dance space has been painted with lovely warm colors and still stays light and airy through the use of white trims and ceiling. The long mirror is great, but I would have opted for the barre to be placed on the opposite wall and not in the mirror. The inclusion of the fan and television as also great features of the room.
This room has a great long barre and I really love how the owners have personalized the wall with what are either paintings or vinyl sticker decals. The ceiling is also interesting but being dark it does make the room feel smaller.
What you may not realize this about this room at first glance is that behind those mirrors is a murphy bed fold-out bed, so that space can be instantly changed from a large workout and dance studio space into a guest bedroom when needed. The other mirrors also hide more storage behind them!
This is a simply designed room that has most everything a dancer would need but that barre again would be better on the back wall or a portable barre could have been used as it is a big enough space. Some shelving or cupboards would be good to house a stereo or blue tooth speakers and dance equipment such as shoes and stretching tools.
Another simply designed space, this time painted in a cooler color. The wardrobe space is a great addition to this room and not only could it store a stereo and dance equipment, it could hold all your dance gear such as costumes, shoes and clothes so it was all in one place!
This is a nice and bright room that has specially laid vinyl dance flooring called Marley or Tarket. Generally, this type of flooring will also have a shock-absorbing subfloor placed underneath or even a sprung floor for the ultimate home dance studio experience.
This beautiful room was custom built by A Finer Touch Construction in a new build home. I love the dreamy wallpaper used, the huge window letting so much natural light in and I love that the mirrors were left free and open and that the barres were attached to both the back and side walls. The television is a great addition to be able to follow online classes but some shelves are probably needed to house a stereo and other dance equipment including shoes and stretch bands and more.
I love the fairy lights around these mirrors, well actually I love fairy lights around almost anything because just like in this photo, they give everything a whimsical, warm happy feel. So if you have a space that needs that something extra, this idea might be right for you!
Purple seems to be a favorite color of many girls including my own, so I included this space to give you a chance to think about what your own spare room might look like painted in the same color. Some people love it and others find it a bit too much! Which are you?
This is a great large space for a dance studio or workout area with a good-sized mirror, a fan, and lots of windows for natural light. Just add a portable barre and you have a great dance space where you can do some online dance lessons or watch tv as you stretch and increase your flexibility.
This room initially looks to me like it was meant to be a dedicated dressing room, with all those closets in the reflection of the mirror and the seating – but someone made the great decision to make better use of the mirror and added a ballet barre to it to really utilize the room.
As you can see all the images in this article are stunning. If you want some tips on how to create a dance studio that is worth sharing on social media check out Make Your Home Workouts Instagram Worthy by Maria Jose at Porch.com.
Or Take a read about how to change other rooms in your house into the perfect dance studio right here on Dance Parent 101
The Best Home Dance Studio and Exercise Room Ideas for a Garage
The Best Home Dance Studio and Work Out Space Ideas for Basements!
The Best Home Dance Studio and Work Out Space Ideas for Attics
The Best Home Dance Studio and Work Out Space Ideas for Bedrooms
The Best Home Dance Studio and Exercise Space Ideas for Spare Rooms
How to Build a Home Dance Studio – Top Tips to consider!