Kids love screens and technology, so when you can find videos and online activities that get them moving then I see that as a winning formula! Whether you are homeschooling, doing distance education, in a classroom or just need something to get your kids huffing and puffing and moving the following list of parent approved channels and resources will surely make ensuring your kids stay active at home much easier!
One more note, it actually takes me quite a long time to get this list together because I am searching for CHANNELS (rather than one-off videos) that have dedicated playlists or several videos on their channel aimed at children, not just one – which you could easily generally find yourself by simply doing a search on Youtube. Also it takes a bit of time because I like to test many of them out with my kids.
So without further ado…..
The Best Free Online Exercise and Fitness Workout Channels for School Aged Kids are:
- Move Dance Learn
- PE Bowman
- Pregnancy and Post Partum Tv
- The Body Coach TV
- Get Kids Moving
- The Ten Thousand Method
- Moe Jones
- Group HIIT
- 20 Online
- Fit and Hungry
- KM Health and Fitness
- Healthworks!! on Cincinnati Children’s
Not sure which one to choose? Read on for our review of each!
Move Dance Learn
Click here to subscribe to the channel and watch more videos online!
Since having to be home with my kids so much recently I began looking for a way to serve my community during a time when so many crucial workers are putting themselves in harm’s way and doing so much for our world. But if all I could do was #stayhome then I was going to create something that helped parents just like me stay home and stay sane! I felt that although there is a lot of good content out there for kids to be active and move online, that there was a gap in providing tutorials that allowed them to move and be creative at the same time. Having been both a school and a dance teacher I decided to use my knowledge and experience and create dance, fitness, and creative movement lessons that could be used to teach some of the dance and physical education curriculum that many students would be missing out on by not being able to attend school, kindergarten and preschool. And the result are the movement classes you can view on the channel!
These lessons are similar to what you might find in physical education lessons, creative movement or a dance class and what I would teach in an educational school classroom setting. Learning outcomes are provided as well as a blog page on the Move Dance Learn website with extra educational links and ideas for learning that can be explored from just this one online dance class.
Best for toddlers and kids – 2-12
Method of Instruction: I give instructions about how to do each exercise and ignite children’s imaginations by asking them to be creative in their movement and follow along with me.
PE Bowman
Click here to go to a playlist on Mr Bowman’s channel for some different workout videos for kids
Mr Bowman has come up with some fun kids’ workouts and gets his kids to demonstrate the exercises. There is not a lot of information about who exactly PE Bowman is but from what I can figure out he is a PE Teacher in an Elementary school and has kids. He has had a Youtube Channel since 2014 and hasn’t posted that many videos over the six years the channel has been running. Initially, he was posting little videos for his classes but has since started creating workout videos for kids.
A great little channel that has a few nice workouts for kids to follow along. A bit more like brain breaks as they between 5-10mins long, but great for kids who usually need to go onto a new activity to keep them engaged. I like the different ideas he is coming up with such as a gaming workout and a backpack workout just for kid!
Best for school kids 5-12
Method of Instruction: Follow along with the kids doing the workouts on the screen.
Pregnancy and Post Partum Tv
Click here to go to a playlist on Jessica’s channel with family and kids workouts
Jessica is the owner of Pregnancy and Post-Partum Tv and she is a mum as well as a registered dietitian, fitness professional and a certifeid Diabetes and Bariatric Educator. She has lots of workout videos for moms but has recently also added a fair few workout videos for kids to do. She sets a theme for her video and in many of them has a toy reveal where her kids who are doing the workout with her will grab a toy and show the camera creating extra motivation for kids to continue watching and joining in until the end.
The best thing about these videos are Jessica’s kids participation really showing your kids that they too can do everything that Jessica is asking them to do. She keeps the workouts interesting and they are easy to follow along with.
Best for Kids 5-12
Method of Instruction: Follow Along with Jessica a fitness professional giving instructions on how to do each of the exercises with her kids.
The Body Coach TV
Click here to go to a playlist on Joe’s channel for fun kids home workouts
With over 1 million views on many of the daily PE workout videos he has been creating during the Corona Pandemic, it is quite likely you have already heard about PE with Joe already, but this would not be a best of list if I did not have him here would it! Joe writes that he began the channel to offer free home workouts for everyone and now has over 250 free workouts and videos available!
PE with Joe during the week is great, he films these videos live so kids in the UK can do them in the morning at home, but you may have to fast forward some parts if you are not watching them live as he does do a bit of talking on some occasions to address questions and things he might have had the day before. It is great that he has created and kept each week in a playlist so if your kids want to start daily workouts they could just start at the week one playlist or join in from here. He also has a playlist of exercise at home for kids which I have linked to above.
Best for Kids 5-15
Method of Instruction: Joes keeps it simple, showing children how to do effective exercises and workout and motivating them to follow along with him and at times other kids.
Get Kids Moving
To go to a playlist of videos from Get Kids Moving click here.
Get Kids Moving was created by Glenn Higgins a personal trainer and health coach from London in England. Each video, the exercise workout, and theme are based on a superhero from popular movies. His aim is to engage kids like never before and to kickstart your child’s fitness journey.
Get kids Moving is a little gem of a channel especially for those kids who love anything superheroes. I just wish each of the videos were a little longer as most only go for less than 5mins which are ok for a little brain break but I really think that the costuming and backdrops really keeps kids attention and so they could afford to make their videos a little longer, which they have, but only for a few.
Best for Kids 5-15
Method of Instruction: This is true follow along as there is no voice over instructions, just text saying what each exercise is.
The Ten Thousand Method
For a playlist of kids exercise videos from the Ten Thousand Method click here.
The Ten Thousand Method Man is a certified personal trainer and self taught, black belt Martial Artist who has created his own method of training. His channel is mainly about training for martial arts but he has created a playlist of 6 so far videos aimed at working out for kids.
I love how even in his Facebook feed his kids are always around or part of his training and so these kid’s videos workouts really are just extensions of the real way in which he interacts with his kids in his home. I also like that his is a martial artist so this brings in a different perspective to his workouts such as his daddy-daughter Karate workout. Another thing I like is how his toddler son can also be seen in the room playing and how he has to stop every now which is the reality most parents face when trying to workout with their kids.
Best for kids – 5-10
Method of Instruction: The Ten Thousand Method Man demonstrates each activity with his daughter and has a voice-over explaining each of the exercises.
Moe Jones
To check out the Moe Jones channel click here.
Nancy is a mom, a teacher and a fitness trainer and she started her channel in May 2014. The workouts she provides on her channel are a little different in that they are primarily for you and not your toddler or preschooler, but she does the workouts with her own baby and toddler showing you how you can involve them in your workout.
I love that she does these videos with her kids and that you get to see that it doesn’t matter if your child isn’t co-operating the whole time, you do the best you can and you can both have fun and get fit together
Best for Kids 5-15
Method of Instruction: Moe takes kids through a series of exercises and
Group HIIT
If you would like to check out the family playlist that Group HIIT has put together click here.
Group HIIT is a channel with hundreds of fitness videos catering to differing levels of fitness as well as ability and age. Their videos are basically a fitness instructor on the screen demonstrating sets of exercises for you to follow in increments with rests in between. A timer comes on when there are about 10 seconds left of an exercise before each rest. There is also a count down timer on the screen for the entire workout. There is no music or voiceover, but they have a link to their website and a Soundcloud Playlist of songs that you can use whilst doing the workout.
This is a great site without any bells or whistles that simply gives you a routine or set of exercises to follow. No one calling out you can do it, keep going. No distractions, just a trainer demonstrating reps of exercises for your child or family to follow. That being said, some kids might find it boring or be unmotivated to stay with it because of its simplicity.
Best for older kids 8-15
Method of Instruction: Exercises are demonstrated by a fitness expert and you follow along. There are timers on the screen but no sound at all – you need to provide your own or use the Soundcloud playlist on their website.
20 Online
If you would like to check out the 20 online youtube channel click here
When I first found the 20 online Youtube channel I wondered why they only had 7 videos uploaded from four years ago before realising they offer a paid service for viewing their workouts on their website. But the great thing for us is that out of those seven videos they have posted four free kids workouts. Each video has an adult instructor who with a child demonstrates the exercises and workouts.
The instructors do a great job of explaining how to do each exercise as the kids in the videos have clearly not rehearsed the exercises too much before hand which is great as your child may need extra instruction as well. I also like that the workout is 20mins long so your kids really will get a good workout.
Best for kids 8-15
Method of Instruction: An adult trainer demonstrates and explains all the exercises with their assistant kid who is participating in the workout.
Fit and Hungry
Angel Stone is a certified Nike Trainer with a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology. She has been uploading to youtube for over 10 years, and has recently made the commitment to upload more content more regularly for kids. The above video is part of a daily PE series she has started.
Angel is such a bright and happy spirit who makes you want to get up and move. She uses a great selection of music to work out with, but I most like the ones where she does talk and instruct you. I really like that she feels the need to do something for the kids of this world who aren’t getting all the exercise and movement they need.
Best for kids 7-15
Method of Instruction: Demonstration and follow along.
KM Health and Fitness
If you would like to check out the KM Health and Fitness Playlist of Aerobics for kids click here.
So these videos are a little older and uploaded about seven years ago. KMPlus Media is a company who produce original programming and I am assuming they produced these videos and possibly have them available for sale or stopped production of this series. They are all quite short workouts with none of them being longer than six and a half minutes.
Although outdated, these are gentle exercise videos which are easy to follow along with. I like that a couple of these videos use younger children and the others use older kids to help demonstrate the workouts.
Best for kids 5-15
Method of Instruction: Demonstration and follow along.
Healthworks!! on Cincinnati Children’s
Healthworks!! is a series of workout videos made especially for the Cincinnati Children’s Heart Institute. Chelsey Lambert an Exercise Physiologist takes you through six videos in the playlist above- the first in the playlist is a warm up and the last is a cool down with the four other videos consisting of 9-12 minute workouts creating a total 20min work out.
These are great workouts that take kids through what you know has been a carefully created program (because it is for a children’s hospital!) to help kids keep active. It is also great to see a variety of kids doing these workouts which allows kids to see themselves in the participants and be able to say, well if they are able to do this, then I can too!
These are not in any of the Cincinnati Children’s playlists that I could find, but if you search Healthworks!! our Youth Fitness in youtube search even more pop up! There is also another playlist which you can check out here of short 2-3 minute videos with explanations of how to correctly do a whole heap of different exercises.
Best for kids7-15
Method of Instruction: Demonstration and follow along with instruction on how to do each exercise safely.
There are many other great resources that I haven’t included in this list because I already have several articles about them which you can check out here: