By Samantha Bellerose, B.Ed, Dip.Dance (Performing Arts)
It is coming up to the fourth of July, and you have kids who love everything and anything that is ballet or dance. So why not combine their passion for dance with some patriotic fourth of July craft, art and DIY activities to help prepare for and celebrate the holiday!
Finding crafts and activities for the Fourth of July that are specifically dancing or ballet-based sounds simple but it actually took quite a bit of time and research – none of which you have to do because we searched the internet and found the best Patriotic Fourth of July Craft, Art and DIY Activities out there for your Star-Spangled Jazz dancer, tween hip-hopper or fire crackin’ tap dancer.

If you are after more craft activities for your dancers check out our other dance craft articles here. And also please note, that most links on this page will take you to the people who created the activity, and others are affiliate links which means if you make a purchase, we receive a small commission which helps Dance Parent 101 continue to make wonderful free content for you just like this!
Lets get onto our list…
List of 4th Of July Craft Activities for your Dancer
1. Fourth of July Headband
Does your dancer have summer dance camp, an intensive, or lessons and classes around the fourth of July?
Then why not make them a July 4th inspired headband to wear in class or even just as a costume accessory or to wear on the holiday!
You can find all the instructions for this cute star-spangled headband at the Pottery Barn Blog here!
Fireworks are lights dancing in the sky!
This is a great craft for dancers because they need to take the movement and visuals they see when watching a fireworks display and create the effect of their movement in a sculpture.
Adrianne at Happy Hour Projects has all the instructions and lists for everything you will need to make these explosive pieces of art that you can then use to decorate your table and home for the holiday!
3. Fourth of July Head Band
This simple headband that is featured on is another craft that kids can put together themselves and depending on their age, you may have all the items ready cut for them to piece together, or give them the image some card and tape and let them experiment themselves.
From a dance point of view, making headpieces to match costumes is a skill, and getting in some practice can come in handy for performance time!
4. Fourth of July Footprint Art
Dancers feet are obviously quite important. Being able to point toes, articulate through the foot, land on them from leaps and jumps quietly and in ways that support the body are important.
So why not celebrate your dancers feet in their art and craft!
The following are several different patriotic ways to feature your dancers feet. Just click on the image to go to the website for the craft instructions and material lists!
5. Patriotic Windsock Craft
Windsocks are always a good craft for dance as their movement in the wind can inspire movement and dance in your child.
There are many different tutorials for fourth of July Windsocks on the internet but this one here is by Caroline at iheartcraftythings
6. Red, White and Blue Ribbon Wands
Making ribbon wands are always a great craft to help inspire dance and movement. I love how these ones made by Maren at Mama in the Now also represent a flag of sorts when laid down on it’s side.
To get the instructions and list of things you will need for this craft head to the Mama in the Now website here!
7. Fourth of July Tutu
I don’t think I have to explain how this one relates to dance and ballet – I mean tutu’s are a ballerina’s uniform!
This one made by Jackie was for a baby, but after reading her instructions you should be able to adjust the method to make one for older children as well!
Click here to go to I Heart Arts n Crafts for all the details
8. Fourth of July Face Paint Ideas
Our dance kids are generally used to putting on make up for their recitals and performances. So why not buy them a set of red white and blue face paints and let them decorate themselves and others for the day!
They don’t just have to do this activity on the day either, they should probably get in some practice beforehand, making this activity a versatile for them to engage as the summer begins!
Here are just a few ideas to get them started!
9. July Fourth Back Yard Games – Making Props and Cross Training
When on holidays our dancers should be resting their bodies from dance but also having fun and staying active!
Six Clever Sisters have come up with this list of backyard games your dancers can play and the great thing about them is that most need props or other things made to be able to play them which your dancer can make.
Prop making is a skill many dancers are exposed to over their dance journeys and so this activity can expose them to making a variety of different things using different materials and skills!
Check ou the post here!
10. Ping Pong Ball Popper
Dancers need to be agile, use their peripheral vision when dancing with others, and a whole heap of other skills. A game of catching a ball in a ping pong ball popper can help your dancer cross-train whilst having fun!
To find out how to make a July fourth ping pong ball popper head to Frugal Fun 4 Boys where Sarah Dees has instructions for this as well as a few other July Fourth Crafts
11. Patriotic Sprial Wind Catcher
What I like about this craft is the spiraling windcatcher. As the wind blows it twirls and swirls round and round and reminds me of a dancer doing pirouettes and turns.
Your dancer can make one of these spinning windcatchers by going to the Craft Morning website to see the materials list and instructions!
12. Renew Old Dance Shoes in a Patriotic Design
Do you have an older dancer with a pair of no longer worn pointe shoes?
Make them into a keepsake pair by decorating them with a flag design like the ones pictured here.
Or can your dancer be inspired to decorate their shoes for the holiday?
13. Tutu Patriotic Flip Flops
Here is another tutu craft but this time on your flip-flops. The original website where this craft idea comes from no longer exists.
But you can see the craft on a post by Cool Creativity here.
Basically, you cut Red, White, and Blue Tulle and ribbons and tie them around all around the flip flop – a fun craft for school-aged dancers and a great craft they can wear to celebrate the fourth!
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