Want to see inspiring dance and ballet images as you scroll Instagram? Like to have beautiful dance or ballet photos, ideas and hacks showing up in your Pinterest feed but don’t know who to follow? We are on Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube every day getting inspiration for this site and with this dedication to social media has come the wisdom and knowledge of who has the best dance and ballet Instagram, Pinterest pages and YouTube Videos that you are going to want to follow today!
The best dance and ballet influencers and accounts you should be following in no particular order are: DanceParent101, Misty Copeland, Jordan Matter, TMilly, Syncopated Ladies, The Ballerina Project, Kathryn Morgan, Matt Steffanina, Kaycee Rice, Colleen M Werner, Jade Chynoweth, Sobailarinosrenato, Douglas Ravadielli, Progressing Ballet Texhnique, The Williams Fam, The Wonderful World of Dance, Jo Jo Gomez, Mark Meismer, Megan Fairchild, Aliya Janell, Samantha Long, Fik-Shun Stegall, Autumn Miller, Dytto, Pretty Big Movement and Dance Flavors.
We are not getting paid or sponsored by any of the people behind these accounts and they are genuinely who we follow and you can check that out for yourself on our Instagram account. But why do we think these accounts are the best and who else do we think are worth mentioning…
It can be really frustrating to spend hours curating your dance or ballet instagram or Pinterest feed only to find photos of peoples pets or babies constantly popping up or their ideas and inspiration for their upcoming wedding or new house. No offence to pets, babies, weddings or new houses I pin and insta all about them too, but on my personal pages not on the Dance Parent 101 accounts and we all follow enough social influencers and even family and friends who post that for us to see anyway. What we are providing today is a list of the top dance and ballet accounts where you wont be spammed by what someone is eating for dinner but with quality dance and ballet content for you to devour and …. in.
Click on any of our links to get to all the pages and accounts mentioned so you can follow each one and begin to be inspired by the energy, joy, beauty, discipline and passion of dance.
Followers: 3000+
Boards: 129
Pins: 8000+
Followers: 100+
Posts: 69
Videos: 0

ABOUT: Danceparent101.com is the ultimate information destination for dancers and parents of dancers.
What type of content do we post: Our Instagram feed is filled with inspirational dance-related quotes and lets our followers know when we have new content up on the blog such as why some dance schools have a no underwear rule under costumes and leotards or the average cost of dance lessons and registration fees in the US this year. Our Pinterest account is filled with over 129 boards full of dance and ballet inspiration, ideas and hacks. We plan to launch our Youtube channel which is currently sitting empty in Jan 2020 with heaps of how to, info and dance tutorial videos!!
Why you should follow Us: All of our accounts are all devoted to dance and parenting dancers. You won’t find random wedding ideas on our Pinterest board unless the bride is in pointe shoes, our Instagram account is not filled with photos of our weekend or what we ate for dinner and our YouTube account is looking at being not just interesting but also so entertaining you’ll be saying Netflix who? (well maybe not, but we are giving it all we have!) When you follow us you’ll always be updated when we update this post and add any more exciting content on any of our platforms!
Misty Copeland
Followers: 1.7M+
Posts: 3k+
Subscribers: 6K+
Videos: 21+
Followers: 550K+
Likes: 550K+
Followers: 122K+
Tweets: 12.2K+
About: Misty Copeland is the first African American Ballerina to be promoted to principal with the American Ballet Theatre.
What type of content do they post: Misty posts about everything that is going on in her life and career from rehearsals and performances, or charity work to celebrating a nieces birthday.
Why you should follow them: Misty is a true role model for any aspiring dancer. She has worked hard for her position within the ABT and through her social media accounts, you can see how authentically sweet and passionate she is about her art as well as encouraging of others who are following her path as well as those whose access to dance is limited. She has been thrust into the spotlight as a poster girl for diversity and she has taken on the role with true grit, humbleness, and hope.
Jordan Matter
Followers: 4K+
Boards: 24
Pins: 506+
Followers: 1.2M+
Posts: 3692+
Subscribers: 2.8M+
Videos: 182+
Followers: 700K+
Likes: 566K+
Followers: 9500+
Tweets: 7241+
About: Jordan Matter is a photographer.
What type of content do they post: Jordan photographs dancers in everyday locations doing extraordinary things. He does a 10min photo challenge which you can watch on YouTube with dancers in places such as a store or Central Station in NY where he and the dancer try to get as many photos as they can before being asked to leave or stop.
Why you should follow them: Jordans photos are crazy awesome, the dancers he works with are all super talented and the 10min challenges are fun to watch on Youtube!
Followers: 762k+
Posts: 2733+
Subscribers: 3M+
Videos: 327+
Followers: 28k+
Likes: 26k+
About: Founder Tim Milligram is a choreographer and cinematographer based out of LA.
What type of content do they post: TMilly posts dance routines and choreography coming out of their studio in LA. They provide online tutorials and classes of the routines they show on their social accounts. Tim Milligram also films dance for art and entertainment purposes which he uploads to his accounts for followers to watch.
Why you should follow them: The choreography and talent being filmed by Tmilly is off the wall! With over 3 Million YouTube Subscribers they are doing something right!
Syncopated Ladies
Followers: 109k+
Posts: 1703+
Subscribers: 32k+
Videos: 122
Followers: 170k+
Likes: 138k+
About: Syncopated Ladies is an all female tap ensemble created and choreographed by Chloe Arnold.
What type of content do they post: Blow your mind tap routines to Beyonce, Prince, Justin Timberlake and the list goes on. Plus they also do acapella tap on the street and teach classes.
Why you should follow them: The fusion of tap and hip hop and other styles of dance is so much fun to watch. The ladies energy and passion for their craft is inspiring!
The Ballerina Project
Followers: 7000+
Boards: 22
Pins: 2155
Followers: 1M
Posts: 1700+
Subscribers: 2000+
Videos: 27
Followers: 800,000+
Likes: 817,000+
About: The Ballerina Project contains the work of photographer Dane Shitagi.
Why you should follow them: Dane’s photos are beautiful and at times ethereal, taking you to a place of pure wonder and awe of both the world we live in and of the art of the dancer.
What type of content do they pin: The Ballerina Project consistently posts photos of professional dancers in various interesting locations from the studio, to the beach to the city streets of New York. These are usually in promotion of ‘The Ballerina Project’ books available for purchase on Amazon. The photography focuses on bringing out the beauty of both the dancer and the location.
Kathryn Morgan
Followers: 1900+
Boards: 15
Pins: 363+
Followers: 49k+
Posts: 764+
Subscribers: 160k+
Videos: 327
Followers: 35k+
Likes: 34k+
Followers: 6893+
Tweets: 2935+
About: Kathryn Morgan is a professional Ballet dancer currently performing with the Miami City Ballet
What type of content do they post: Kathryn’s YouTube channel was started over 5 years ago and covers everything from personal experiences to stage makeup and ballet tutorials. There is a wealth of information on this channel that is invaluable to any dancer!
Why you should follow them: Kathryn Morgan is a dance prodigy having danced many major principal roles as a member of the New York City Ballet by the age of 20. Unfortunately, she became ill and unable to get through rehearsals and had to leave the company and it wasn’t until years later after being treated for hypothyroidism that she was eventually diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Disease. During all of this she also found the love of her life, married and then went through the break down of her marriage.
Matt Steffanina
Subscribers: 10M+
Videos: 298
Followers: 3.6M+
Posts: 303+
YOUTUBE (2nd Channel)
Subscribers: 2.8M+
Videos: 259
Followers: 123,000+
Likes: 121,000+
Followers: 242k+
Tweets: 16.2k+
About: Matt Steffanina is a dancer, choreographer, producer and entrepreneur.
What type of content do they post: Matt posts hip hop, popping dance routines and tutorials.
Why you should follow them: Matts posts are always entertaining. There is always something a little extra or different that he puts into his content whether it be adding exploding smoke in an edit, to mixing his choreography with a different style such as Acro or Bollywood dance or a dance battle or challenge, or by just creating good choreographic pieces.
Kaycee Rice
Subscribers: 461k+
Videos: 167
Followers: 2.1M+
Posts: 2259+
Subscribers: 125k+
Videos: 34
Followers: 149K+
Likes: 126K+
Followers: 1524+
Tweets: 3461+
About: Kaycee Rice is a 16 year old dancer.
What type of content do they post: Personal Vlogs and photos, Dance Concept Videos, dance classes and choregraphy, old competition videos.
Why you should follow them: Kaycee is an amazing dancer and when dance studios put up three videos of the same routine danced by various dancers, I always watch the one she is in. At 16 she is grounded and although mature, she acts like well a 16 year old and is a great role model for any young dancer!
Colleen M Werner
Followers: 4
Boards: 9
Pins: 138+
Followers: 17.5k+
Posts: 694+
Subscribers: 7
Videos: 10
Followers: 300+
Likes: 300+
About: Colleen M Werner is a body positive dancer who has written her debut book Brave Girl Healing.
What type of content do they post: Colleen posts body positive images of herself in ballet and dance poses as well as inspirational and motivational quotes mixed in with personal content.
Why you should follow them: With over 17000 followers on Instagram Colleen has a message people are wanting to hear.
“I’m about to start my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and I plan on becoming an eating disorder and trauma therapist. My dream is to create an ED treatment program for dancers”
The Previous quote is from an Instagram post in August 2019 and I can’t wait to see what she puts out into the dance world in the future!
Jade Chynoweth
Followers: 2.4M+
Posts: 1677+
Subscribers: 137k+
Videos: 110
Followers: 5427+
Likes: 5200+
Followers: 58.6K+
Tweets: 3706+
About: Jade is a dancer/actress currently in YouTube Red show Step Up: Highwater, playing the role of Odalie.
What type of content do they post: Jade posts a variety of personal vlogs and photos and videos of her dancing in classes, for tutorials and concept videos.
Why you should follow them: Just watch her dance once and you won’t be asking why you will just be hitting that follow button!
Followers: 623k+
Posts: 31,768+
Subscribers: 493+
Videos: 5
Followers: 109K+
Likes: 96K+
About: Sobailarinosrenato is an account that reposts the best ballet videos he can find.
What type of content do they post: The videos are of ballet dancers all around the world. Some are professional dancers, others are not, some are current videos, some are from the past.
Why you should follow them: I love the diversity and the constant posting on the Instagram feed in particular. I love that I am being immersed in ballet from all over the world showcasing amazingly talented dancers.
Douglas Ravadielli
About: Douglas Ravadielli is a Professor, bailarino, coreógrafo e produtor in Brazil – or a teacher, a ballet dancer, a choreographer, and producer.
What type of content do they post: He posts a lot of tutorials for parents and dancers with his pupils showing how to correctly practice, gain flexibility and strength.
Why you should follow them: Although I can’t understand him as I don’t speak Portuguese, I enjoy his watching his comfortable and authoritative approach to helping his young students understand what their bodies are meant to be doing and his obvious passion for teaching.
Progressing Ballet Technique
Followers: 0+
Boards: 8
Pins: 62+
Followers: 62.6k+
Posts: 756+
Subscribers: 5K+
Videos: 6
Followers: 150K+
Likes: 150K+
Followers: 2k+
Tweets: 500+
About: Progressing Ballet Technique or PBT is a program designed by Marie Walton-Mahon for students to understand the depth of training muscle memory in achieving their personal best in classical ballet(from PBT website.)
What type of content do they post: Photos and videos of students and teachers using the PBT method.
Why you should follow them: The PBT method is slowly being recognized as the secret weapon behind many dancers success.
The Williams Fam
Followers: 735k+
Posts: 631+
Subscribers: 100K+
Videos: 106
Followers: 890K+
Likes: 800K+
About: The Williams Fam are four dancing brothers from a family of 6 kids.
What type of content do they post: Alot of videos of the four of them dancing routines made specifically to post, others in classes, some personal vlogs, promotions of events and sponsors.
Why you should follow them: Four brothers doing what they love best – dancing and being best buds – what more could you ask for – feel-good vibes here and awesome moves!
The Wonderful World of Dance
Followers: 22,500+
Boards: 23
Pins: 17,000+
Followers: 36k+
Posts: 1700+
Subscribers: 600+
Videos: 34
Followers: 123,000+
Likes: 121,000+
Followers: 1524+
Tweets: 3900+
About: The Wonderful World of Dance is a journalistic/magazine style website named the ‘Vogue’ of Dance and Ballet by the British Broad Casting Authority known as the BBC. They publish a dance magazine of the same name and have a weekly podcast.
What type of content do they post: The Wonderful World of Dance are content creators. They interview and photograph current dancers and others in the dance industry and put the best of it up on their social media for you to view!
Why you should follow them: They only post dance related content, are currently pinning to their board so you will get new content delivered to your feed and are content creators meaning you will find things here no one else has access to!
Jo Jo Gomez
About: Jo Jo Gomez is an artist, choreographer, professional dancer, movement coach and works in artist development. She teaches mainly in the US but does tour and teach around the globe, but be quick to sign up to one as her classes always sell out!
What type of content do they post: Jo Jo post also of routines she has choreographed and dances in, videos of classes she teaches, performances all mixed in with some personal posts which are mainly in her daily IGTV stories.
Why you should follow them: The first time I saw Jojo dance was in a Tmilly filmed video and I think I watched it 5 times in a row. Parental warning – some of her material is M rated both for music lyrics and dance moves but in general, most of her work is just inspiring and awesome!
Mark Meismer
Followers: 162K+
Posts: 2596+
Followers: 11K+
Likes: 11K+
Followers: 1100+
Tweets: 1502+
About: Mark was a professional dancer, most notably having dancing alongside Celine Dion in her Vegas show ‘A New Day’. He is now a NUVO faculty member, a choreographer, teacher and educator as well as artistic director to his own dance company “Evolution”.
What type of content do they post: Mark posts videos of his students performing his choreography on stage and in class. He posts about things happening in his career such when traveling and working with the NUVO dance convention/competition around the US, mixed in with personal posts.
Why you should follow them: You will enjoy watching Marks Students perform his choreography in the classes he teaches, many of whom you will probably end up following individually like @Autumnmiller who is also his assistant. His showcase style is lyrical and the turns, jumps, and flexibility executed by his students is amazing!
Megan Fairchild
Episodes: 100+
Followers: 41.2k+
Posts: 927+
Followers: 3600+
Likes: 3600K+
Followers: 4600+
Tweets: 1217+
About: Megan Fairchild is a principal dancer with the New York City Ballet. She has a podcast called ‘Ask Megan’, has danced on Broadway and recently had a beautiful baby girl.
What type of content do they post: Megan posts alot of backstage and onstage photos, photos of classes mixed in with a few personal posts. Her podcast answers any number of questions that people have about dance which she answers honestly, utilising her experience.
Why you should follow them: Not only is her podcast interesting and obviously all the behind scenes photos and classes at the NYCB, but she is a principal dancer with a baby and an inspiration to all female dancers showing them that you can have a family and a career!
Aliya Janell
Followers: 2.3M+
Posts: 324+
Subscribers: 1.6M+
Videos: 130
Followers: 10.3k+
Tweets: 789+
About: Aliya Janell is a professional dancer and choreographer entrepreneur who has developed her own brand ‘Queens N’ Lettos’ based on the heels class she teaches most weeks in LA.
What type of content do they post: Aliya posts videos of her dancing her own choreography as well as the classes she teaches and the tours she goes on performing and teaching with ‘Queens N’ Lettos’. She posts promotional photos and posts about merch she is selling through her brand. She also mixes in some personal posting.
Why you should follow them: Parental warning – Most of her material is M rated both for music lyrics and dance moves. This being said her choreography empowers women and she is known for her sexy, energetic and expressive style.
Samantha Long
Fans: 2.9K
Hearts: 6.8K
Followers: 330k+
Posts: 260+
Subscribers: 58K+
Videos: 70
About: Samantha Long is a professional dancer, choreographer and founder of the studio and clothing line @athreat.co
What type of content do they post: Samantha is always posting new dance routines, freestyles and performances on her social media accounts mixed in with some personal photos and promos for her classes and clothing line.
Why you should follow them: Samantha nails triple+ pirouettes blending them into full out hip hop, krumping, popping routines – she has a unique style and is an amazing dancer. Parental warning – some of her material is M rated both for music lyrics and dance moves.
Fik-Shun Stegall
About: Fik-Shun is the season 10 SYTYCD Male Winner.
What type of content do they post: Plenty of collabs, freestyle and choreography.
Why you should follow them: He has just started a youtube channel promising lots more dance videos to come!
Autumn Miller
Followers: 1.4M+
Posts: 2833+
Subscribers: 360K+
Videos: 215
Personal Page
Followers: 51.8K+
Tweets: 3365+
About: Autumn Miller is an 18 year old dancer, dance teacher and performer.
What type of content do they post: Autumn posts content about her life as a dancer including videos of dance routines and personal posts.
Why you should follow them: She is the cover model for Dance Spirit Magazine issue September 2019 with the heading ‘How Autumn Miller Became a Social Sensation’…. need I say more!
Followers: 4.3M+
Posts: 1392+
Subscribers: 3.1M+
Videos: 170+
Followers: 1M+
Likes: 1M+
Followers: 100k+
Tweets: 7522+
About: Dytto is known as the ‘Dancing Barbie’ or the ‘Robo Babe’ and has been on Ellen several times.
What type of content do they post: Dytto posts new dance content every week mixed in with personal photos, videos.
Why you should follow them: Her dance videos generally go viral with her unique animation style of dancing. Her freestyle to Barbie Girl has had over 40million views on multiple platforms. Her style is truly unique and entertaining to view.
Pretty Big Movement
Followers: 50.1k+
Posts: 786+
Subscribers: 3430+
Videos: 23+
Followers: 89K+
Likes: 86K+
Followers: 100k+
Tweets: 7522+
About: Pretty Big Movement is a dance company based in New York for full figured dancers.
What type of content do they post: PBM post dance routines, videos of classes, performances, promotions and news about their dance company.
Why you should follow them: You should be following Pretty Big Movement to encourage and promote and highlight that dance is for everyone. Their joy, diversity and passion is inspiring to have on your social feed!
Dance Flavors
Followers: 684k+
Posts: 510+
About: An instagram account posting the best dance videos they find.
What type of content do they post: Mainly reposting the best dance videos being created – with a bit of variety of styles and from different countries which is nice.
Why you should follow them: Dance Flavors respects talent and entertainment when they see it and post it accordingly – there are a few videos on here that I haven’t seen on the mainstream channels that post similar content and every now and then they will add in something out of the ‘dance’ genre such as an ice-skating or rythmic gymnastic routine.
We don’t usually allow comments to stay open on any of our pages but we REALLY want to hear about who you think are the top ballet and dance influencers today and whether you agree or disagree with our choices!
You can also join the discussion on our Facebook page or on our Instagram post where we will also check your comments and feedback!
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