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How Long Should You Take Ballet Before Starting Pointe?

Most dancers live for the day they are finally allowed to dance en pointe! Dancing en pointe requires a student to meet certain milestones before they can begin, and one of those is having enough ballet training.

Dancers should study ballet for at least three years before beginning pointe. Those three years should be consistent, focused ballet training. But the length of study is not the only requirement for dancing on pointe.

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Do You Need To Wear Ballet Shoes in a Ballet Class?

Have you ever seen a soccer player wearing basketball shoes? Or a football player wearing ice skates? Probably not! In the dance world, dancers are expected to wear the kind of shoes that correspond to the style of dance they’re taking. You do need to wear ballet shoes to ballet class most of the time. Occasionally, there are instances where other footwear is acceptable, but the best shoes to wear for ballet are ballet shoes!

Ballet shoes have unique qualities that make them appropriate for ballet class, just like jazz shoes have specific functions for that style of dance. For more about jazz shoes and why they’re necessary for learning jazz dance, check out our article Can I Wear Ballet Shoes in a Jazz Dance Class?

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How Long Do Dance Shoes Last? Best Advice for Parents!

So you’ve signed your child up for a year of dance classes! One of the first things you’ll need to do is purchase dance shoes. Just like when purchasing school shoes, you’re probably hoping to get the most bang for your buck when you buy shoes for dance lessons. But how long can you expect your child’s dance shoes to last?

Read More about How Long Do Dance Shoes Last? Best Advice for Parents!

Why You Should Never Wear Your Ballet Shoes Outside!

Ballet shoes might look like the ideal comfort shoes – they’re sometimes called “slippers” for a reason! So it’s no wonder people want to wear them for more than just ballet class, including outside and on the street. But unfortunately, wearing ballet shoes outside is a big no-no.

Read More about Why You Should Never Wear Your Ballet Shoes Outside!

Paying More For Dance Classes Compared To Others? We Explain Why!

Have you recently been talking to a friend who attends a different dance studio only to find out they pay half of what you do for their child’s dance or ballet lessons compared to you? Has this made you start wondering why you are paying more? Or perhaps you are paying less and want to know if you are missing out on anything!

Read More about Paying More For Dance Classes Compared To Others? We Explain Why!