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Is The Back Row Bad? A Dance Teacher’s Perspective On Stage Placement

Dancing in a group means that sometimes you won’t always be in the front. It’s just the nature of group activities! But, what does it mean if your dancer is consistently placed in the back row? How do teachers choose who to place where on stage? Is being in the back row in a dance routine bad?

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4 Actions to take when Your Child is not Progressing in Dance or Ballet Class

After taking steps to assess your child’s progress in dance as we have written about in our article 3 Things Parents Can do to Assess Their Child’s Progress in Dance you have realized that your dancer is not progressing. Now you are wondering what you should do, and that is where we come in with a few ideas and actions you can take to ensure your dancer is learning and moving forwards in their training.

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3 Things Parents Can do to Assess Their Child’s Progress in Dance

If you’re unsure how to measure progress in dance, take these steps before anything else. First, talk to your child! Second, ask your child’s teacher how they’re progressing in class. Then, you can observe a class to see for yourself your child’s progress before considering changing studios.

Read More about 3 Things Parents Can do to Assess Their Child’s Progress in Dance