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April 2022 Featured Articles of the Month

Hey there,

This is the place to come to get direct access to all the articles we are featuring in March this year.

Healthy Dancers

This month I have featured some of the articles on the website relating to the health of your dancer. We are not talking only about food here, but also about mental and physical health!

Dance Exams

One of the first articles I ever wrote for Dance Parent 101 was about RAD dance exams and as some people will be preparing for them I thought it was a good time to highlight those!


This month we also celebrate Easter, and so I scoured the web to find some great Easter craft activities that relate to dance and ballet for your dance kids to enjoy!

I really hope the featured articles offer help and inspiration to you this month!

Samantha xx

Creative Director
Dance Parent 101

April 2022 Featured Articles

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