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What is the best Age to Start Competitive Dance?

Competitive dance can be a fun and exciting world, but by nature, it is a competition and therefore a certain amount of readiness is required to enter. In particular, many people consider age to be a good indicator of whether a dancer is ready to enter and many others believe that there is a certain age at which you are required to stop competing altogether.

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How Much It Costs One Family for a Year of Competitive Dance

Hi I’m Karly Wood and like many mothers, I never thought one day I would be a dance mom (Abby Lee Miller definitely scared me off). But now that I’ve arrived, I can’t imagine a better way to spend my spring weekends than at a dance competition, cheering on my dancer. Taking the leap from academy dance to competition was a big step, however and I wasn’t fully financially prepared.

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How to Budget for Competition Dance a Year in Advance

Now that your dancer has made your studio’s competition team, it’s time for your role as a parent to start: paying the bills! In addition to a serious time commitment for both your family and dancer, competitive dance usually comes with a financial investment that requires ample planning.

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What To Expect From Your Child’s First Tap Dance Classes

Tap dance is making a comeback lately, with movies like “Happy Feet”, tap being featured on popular shows like “So You Think You Can Dance”, and viral videos from tap artists such as Syncopated Ladies. With its origins in African and Irish cultures, tap dance evolved into a unique art form that is beloved all over the world, and you can find classes for all ages and levels at dance studios. 

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What To Expect From Your Dancer’s First Musical Theatre Class

If your child has ever been mesmerized by “The Descendants” or won’t stop singing along to “Hamilton”, chances are you’ve got a musical theatre fan on your hands! Whether they want to be the next big star or just want to dive deeper into the wonderful world of musicals, signing your kiddo up for a musical theatre dance class might be on your mind! 

Read More about What To Expect From Your Dancer’s First Musical Theatre Class