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Why You Should Never Wear Your Ballet Shoes Outside!

Ballet shoes might look like the ideal comfort shoes – they’re sometimes called “slippers” for a reason! So it’s no wonder people want to wear them for more than just ballet class, including outside and on the street. But unfortunately, wearing ballet shoes outside is a big no-no.

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Can I Wear Ballet Shoes In A Jazz Dance Class?

If you are a new dance mom, or a new dancer yourself, you might be overwhelmed by the amount of supplies you need to buy for dance classes! You will need leotards, tights, hair accessories, and of course, the proper shoes! Is there any way to use the same pair of shoes for different styles of dance, so you don’t have to buy so many things?

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How to Budget for Competition Dance a Year in Advance

Now that your dancer has made your studio’s competition team, it’s time for your role as a parent to start: paying the bills! In addition to a serious time commitment for both your family and dancer, competitive dance usually comes with a financial investment that requires ample planning.

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Paying More For Dance Classes Compared To Others? We Explain Why!

Have you recently been talking to a friend who attends a different dance studio only to find out they pay half of what you do for their child’s dance or ballet lessons compared to you? Has this made you start wondering why you are paying more? Or perhaps you are paying less and want to know if you are missing out on anything!

Read More about Paying More For Dance Classes Compared To Others? We Explain Why!

Can you wear a swimsuit to ballet class? Dancer Explains!

If Summer is just around the corner it means temperatures are on the rise and you are probably looking at cute new bathing suits to wear to the pools or beach. Now if you are a ballerina or dance student, you may be thinking the designs are so pretty that they would look good in class – but is it ok to wear a swimsuit to ballet class?

Read More about Can you wear a swimsuit to ballet class? Dancer Explains!

How much does it cost to become a professional ballerina or dancer?

When most people think of ballerinas, they think of the beautiful images of women in tights and tutus gracefully spinning and leaping across a stage. What you may not know is that becoming a professional ballerina takes years of hard work and dedication – and it can be quite costly, too.

Read More about How much does it cost to become a professional ballerina or dancer?