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All the articles featured for the month of May

Pack – The Fourth Step to Surviving your kid’s Dance or Ballet recital

Packing after a dance recital will look different for every parent. It will depend on how many items your dancer was in, whether you are taking costumes home or whether they are staying with the studio, how tired your dancer is after the recital, and how late the recital finished for example.

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Perform – The Third Step to Successfully Navigate Your Child’s Ballet or Dance Recital

On the day of a dance recital as a parent you will be performing various roles and duties from chauffeur to clothes dresser, hair and make-up artist, counselor, snack supplier, medic and more before the day is out.

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Prepare – The Second Step in getting ready for your kid’s Dance or Ballet recital

ot more to being recital ready than just packing all the correct stuff. There are also plenty of dance recital checklists out there to help you cross off everything you might need to bring on the day (we have one of those for you too!) So we have gone beyond checklists in this article giving you helpful information on how to prepare for your dancers recital day!

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Practice – The first Step in Preparing for your Child’s Dance or Ballet recital

When you first think about getting prepared and ready for a dance recital you might start thinking about organizing costumes, buying tickets for your family to attend, or about how you are going to get your dancer’s hair to stay in place on the day.

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